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Tuesday, December 3, 2019 @ 10:00 am
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TUES DEC 3, 2019 at 10AM
Sale site: Corner of 9th and Monroe; LaGrange MO, take Rt C to Jefferson St, follow sale signs day of sale.
–87 Kiefer 7x20ft aluminum livestock trailer, wood floor, 1 cut gate, 1 owner, excellent condition
–88 Kiefer 8x20ft gooseneck flatbed trailer, 2-8000lb axles, fold over ramps, 1 owner, well maintained
–Chevy truck bed trailer, 4 x 6 1/2ft
–Hay wagon 7 x 12ft
Hay Equipment
-New Holland Model 270 Hayliner square baler
-New Holland Model 456 7ft sickle bar mower
-New Holland Model 56 hay rake
-Morris Built 3pt bale spear
Mower—4 Wheeler—Blade—Manure Spreader
–John Deere GX335 mower, 20hp Kawaski engine, 48 inch deck, 671hrs, 1 owner
–93 Honda Fourtrax 300 4wheeler 4×2, 1 owner
–New Holland Model 213, PTO driven, 10ft manure spreader, excellent condition
–7ft 3pt blade
Livestock Equipment
–For Most head gate
–Farm Pride stock waterer
–New poly feed bunk
–Wood feed bunk
–Pipe gates, 12 & 16ft length
–Rolls woven wire
–Big bale rings
–Galvanized stock tank
–100 +/- steel posts
–100 +/- hedge posts
20 +/- net wrap grass hay
150 +/- small square bales grass hay
**Hay to be removed by buyer, no loadout available**
Air Compressor—Tires—Lawn and Garden
Quincy Compressor QTS-3 air compressor
2-16.9×28 rear tractor tires (Goodyear)
2-13.6×28 rear tractor tires
Misc tires (ag & auto)
B & B sprayer with pump
Wizard rear tine tiller
TroyBilt push mower
Snapper push mower
Weedeater gas leaf blower
Self propelled reel mower
Scotts 2000 lawn seeder
Husqvarna 122 HD gas hedge trimmer (as new)
Farm Primitives—Collectibles
#2 dinner bell
Copper boiler
Flat top trunk
Misc license plates
Wooden barn pulleys
Small anvil “Joe Schutte 2002”
Brass hames
Primitve wood cabinet
Old gas cans
Chicken coop “United Co LaBelle MO”
1969 Schwinn bike, 1 owner, excellent cond
Neck yokes
Taylor 50lb scales
1954 ball glove and spikes, 1 owner
2—stone jugs
Shoe last
2—cream cans
Red Jacket well pump
Double trees
Tools—Lawn Furniture—Misc
3 pc wicker patio set with cushions
Hose reel
Christmas & Easter decorations
Hay forks
Misc hand tools
Rolls cable
Metal organizer
Pipe wrenches
Bench vise
Craftsman socket sets
Craftsman wrench sets
Handyman jack
Live trap
Steel saw horses
Work table
Log chains
Bolt cutters
Bottle jacks
Hot Shot
Come A Long
Dyno Charge 909 fencer
Electric cords
Wood and aluminum ladders
Redwood and iron patio glider & 2 chairs
Concrete blocks
Fish trap
Wood doors
Propane tank
**Other misc too numerous to mention**
Auctioneers note: All of Mr Schutte’s equipment has been shedded and well maintained. Several nice barn primitives too. Be on time, estimated 2 hour sale.