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Saturday, April 9, 2022
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Palmyra Young Farmers
Annual Consignment Sale
Saturday, April 9, 2022
10:00 am
Marion County Fairgrounds/ Flower City Park
Now taking consignments!
Deadline for consignments that will appear in the Sale Bill is
March 24
Consignments will be accepted till 8 pm Friday for large items
and equipment and 8:30 am day of sale for tools and other small
Sale conditions:
1. Everyone is invited to consign to the sale.
2. No automotive tires will be accepted unless they are one rims. NO agriculture or construction tires will be accepted with less than 20% tread measured at the midrib.
3. The consigned items must be in place on the Marion County Fairgrounds by 8:00 pm Friday for large items and equipment and 8:30 am day of the sale for small items.
4. Consignments will be checked in during the following times:
Saturday before, noon to 5 pm
Monday to Thursday, noon to 8 pm
Friday, 8 am to 8 pm last time to get equipment and large items in place
Day of sale, 7 am to 8:30 am for small items only
5. The association will not be responsible for accidents.
6. All guarantees will be between the buyer and seller.
7. Commission rates will be: $1.00 to $10.00-50%
$10.01 to $1,000.00 – 10%
$1,000.01 to $4,999.00 – 7% (max. $300.00)
$4,999.01 to $10,000.00- 5% (max $350.00)
$10,000.01 and up-$500.00
8. Buy back items will be charged: up to $200.00 – $10.00
$200.01 to $999.00-$20.00
$999.01 and up-$35.00
There will be more than one auctioneer auctioning at one time. The consigner must purchase the item back with his/her own buyer number.
10. All items do sell and must have a lot number.
11. All items must be removed within 3 days or become the property of the Palmyra Young Farmers.
12. The loader tractor will be at the sale site starting the Saturday before.
13. If a consignor buys back an item, their check will only be mailed after they have removed the no sale item from the sale site.
NOTE: We thank you for your help on our consignment sale. Once the auctioneer says “Sold”, it is between the seller and buyer (the Auctioneers and the Palmyra Young Farmers are not responsible).
Also, to prevent potential bookkeeping problems, you must notify the cashier within a half hour of the sale end if you buy back your item, otherwise the “Sold” commission rate will be charged.
For more information
Lee Hall @ 573-248-4642